Volunteer Opportunities at Community Health Center
Volunteers play an essential role in supporting the mission of Community Health Center.
We count on volunteers to support efforts in many areas throughout Community Health Center, such as assisting in patient intake at the front desk, providing administrative support and assisting in fundraising and special events.
Volunteers are welcome and greatly appreciated at our Community Health Center offices. We ask that you commit to one shift a month and complete an application and brief training session. For more information, please call 508-477-5990.
Fill out a CHC Volunteer Application Here
Volunteer Opportunities
There are so many ways to become a volunteer at Community Health Center.
Patient Greeter
Our Volunteer Greeters welcome patients at our Mashpee location, directing them to the appropriate person or department. We offer a very flexible schedule, depending on availability.
Fundraising and Communications Support
Fundraising appeals and special events help us make Community Health Center’s services available to so many people. You can assist us with special events, organizing mailings and entering information into our growing donor database all help to support this vital function.
Administrative Support
Another pair of hands is always welcome at our busy front desk and in our administrative and development offices. You can help us with photocopying, answering phones, greeting patients, filing and compiling information.
If you are interested in any of these roles — or have another skill that you think could benefit our patients and community — please fill out the volunteer application linked below or e-mail Chris Ellis at cellis@chcofcapecod.org.